Thursday, May 25, 2023

 A new survey has revealed President William Ruto’s government’s achievements and failures in his first six months in office, according to Kenyans.The research conducted by Trends and Insights for Africa (TIFA) research firm shows that Kenyans are most concerned about the high cost of living.Thirty-seven per cent of the respondents cited increased economic hardship as the main area President Ruto has failed so far.

Some 14 per cent of Kenyans sampled took issue with the failure to keep campaign promises, while nine per cent cited an increased corruption rate as well as the dropping of major corruption cases.“There is widespread agreement that continuing if not increasing economic hardship is at the top of most Kenyans’ minds, though it seems that much of the content of “campaign promises” that are considered yet to be fulfilled is also of an economic nature,” TIFA’s research analyst Tom Wolff said.

Asked about their opinion on the top achievements of President Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza administration, 29 per cent of the respondents said cited the launch of the Hustler Fund, while five per cent were happy about stabilizing the cost of fertilizer.Four per cent meanwhile cited enhancement of national unity and cohesion.

“Among all Kenyans, the launch of the Hustler Fund receives far more mentions 29 as an early success of the Ruto government than any other policy initiative or legislative enactment, which applies equally to Kenya Kwanza and Azimio supporters,” Wolff said. In terms of their priorities over the remainder of President Ruto’s current term, the overwhelming one among Kenyans across the political divide is for a reduction in the cost of living at 71 per cent.

Job creation (49%) and addressing issues in the educational system (22%) were the other top mentions.TIFA said it conducted the research between March 11 and 19, with just over 2,065 randomly-selected respondents.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Frustration of Kenya's Former President: Politicized Attacks and Damaged Legacies

 In the dynamic world of politics, alliances and loyalties can shift swiftly, leaving leaders vulnerable to the whims of changing regimes. Such is the case for Kenya's former president, Uhuru Kenyatta, who finds himself facing mounting frustration and hostility from the current government. This post will delve into the unsettling events surrounding Uhuru Kenyatta's active involvement with opposition politics in Kenya, particularly his association with Raila Odinga. By examining reports from Kenyan newspapers, we will shed light on how the current regime has allegedly employed goons to attack the former president's farms, steal property, and damage the private assets of his family.

A Shattered Legacy: The Jubilee Party, once a formidable force in Kenyan politics under the leadership of former president Uhuru Kenyatta, has suffered a precipitous decline in recent years. The party's electoral performance in the 2022 elections was dismal, winning less than 30 seats in the National Assembly compared to the 172 seats secured in 2017. This decline was further compounded by a significant number of party members defecting to President William Ruto's Kenya Kwanza coalition, consolidating the incumbent government's dominance in parliament.

A Show of Solidarity: Despite largely refraining from politics since relinquishing power in September 2022, Uhuru Kenyatta made a rare public appearance last month at the Jubilee Party office in Nairobi. The motive behind his visit was to display solidarity with party officials following a disruptive incident involving a group of MPs and unruly youths attempting to forcefully seize control. This gesture was widely interpreted as an assertion of Kenyatta's authority and his determination to maintain a stake in the party's affairs.

The Power Play Unveiled: In an intriguing turn of events, President Kenyatta subsequently convened a meeting of the party's delegates on May 22 in Nairobi. This gathering is expected to yield a resolution aimed at purging the Jubilee Party of rebels, signaling his intent to restore control and discipline within the party. However, it is within this political drama that the frustrations facing the former president become increasingly evident.

Politically Motivated Attacks: Reports in Kenyan newspapers have highlighted alleged incidents of orchestrated attacks targeting Uhuru Kenyatta's farms and properties, implicating the current government in these acts of aggression. Goons, purportedly acting under the government's direction, have been accused of trespassing on the former president's land, stealing valuable assets, and vandalizing private property owned by his family. These actions, if proven true, reflect a troubling trend of political harassment and intimidation.

The Damaged Legacy: The sustained campaign against Uhuru Kenyatta, coupled with the politicized attacks on his personal assets, poses a significant threat to his legacy. As a respected figure both nationally and internationally, the former president's reputation stands at risk of being tarnished by the government's apparent attempt to undermine his influence and engagement in opposition politics.The frustrations faced by former President Uhuru Kenyatta at the hands of the current regime in Kenya cannot be overlooked. From the dramatic decline of the once-mighty Jubilee Party to the alleged attacks on his farms and private property, the challenges he encounters are a testament to the volatile nature of political alliances. While the truth behind these incidents is yet to be fully substantiated, the damage to Kenyatta's reputation and legacy is already being felt. As Kenya continues its political journey, it is essential to reflect on the implications of such actions on the nation's democratic ideals and the long-term stability of its political landscape.

Government Assaulting Sovereignty of Kenyans

 Government Assaulting Sovereignty of Kenyans

Sovereignty refers to the supreme authority and independence of a state or nation to govern itself without external interference. The present regime is indeed infringing upon the sovereignty of its citizens, it’s  a serious issue that raises concerns about democratic principles, human rights, and the rule of law. Safeguarding sovereignty is crucial for maintaining the rights and freedoms of individuals within a nation.

It’s of paramount importance for citizens to actively participate in their country's democratic processes, exercise their right to free speech, and engage in peaceful means of expressing their grievances. Additionally, independent media, civil society organizations, and judicial systems play a vital role in upholding the rule of law and protecting citizens' rights.

The reported incidents of violence against journalists in Kenya, as well as concerns over potential internet and media shutdowns, are indeed serious violations of press freedom and the rights of journalists. Freedom of the press is a fundamental pillar of democracy, as it enables the public to access accurate and diverse information and hold those in power accountable.

Attacks on journalists, regardless of the source, are unacceptable and undermine the principles of a free and independent media. Journalists should be able to carry out their work without fear of harassment, violence, or censorship. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure the safety and protection of journalists and to investigate and hold accountable those responsible for attacks.

Internet and media shutdowns can severely restrict access to information, stifle freedom of expression, and impede the public's ability to participate in democratic processes. Such actions should be avoided, and governments should seek to promote an open and inclusive environment that allows for the free flow of information.

The condemnation of these incidents and calls for accountability from organizations such as the IPI, Kenya Media Sector Working Group, Kenya Editors Guild, and the Media Council of Kenya are important steps in highlighting the significance of press freedom and the protection of journalists' rights. It is crucial for authorities to address these concerns, ensure the safety of journalists, and uphold the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Undermining the Fight against Corruption: Cronyism and Nepotism in Kenya's New Administration


Undermining the Fight against Corruption: Cronyism and Nepotism in Kenya's New Administration

Since the inauguration of the new administration, Kenya has witnessed a disheartening trend of rewarding loyalists with state jobs in influential positions and the questionable dismissal of corruption cases involving them. This article sheds light on the perceived loss of commitment to fighting corruption, as well as the detrimental impact of cronyism and nepotism on the nation. It emphasizes the need for renewed efforts to restore transparency, accountability, and the rule of law in Kenya.

The Rise of Cronyism: The appointment of loyalists to key positions within the government raises concerns about the prevalence of cronyism. Instead of selecting individuals based on merit and qualifications, political affiliations and personal connections seem to be the determining factors. This practice undermines public trust, as it implies that loyalty to the administration is prioritized over competence and integrity.

Nepotism and Favoritism: The appointment of close relatives and friends of high-ranking officials to influential positions further exacerbates the issue. Nepotism not only compromises the principles of fair competition but also diminishes opportunities for talented and deserving individuals who may bring fresh perspectives and expertise to the table. Such favoritism erodes public confidence and weakens the fight against corruption.

The Dismal Handling of Corruption Cases: The suspicious dismissal of corruption cases involving loyalists and supporters of the president paints a bleak picture of the government's commitment to tackling corruption. It undermines the principle of equality before the law and sends a message that influential individuals can evade accountability. This selective approach to justice erodes public faith in the justice system and perpetuates a culture of impunity.

Impact on Anti-Corruption Efforts: The presence of individuals facing massive corruption charges within the administration severely hampers the fight against corruption. It not only compromises the credibility of anti-corruption institutions but also discourages whistleblowers and honest public servants from coming forward with information. This situation erodes institutional effectiveness, enabling corruption to thrive and undermining progress in achieving transparency and accountability.

Rebuilding Trust and Restoring Integrity: To regain public trust and effectively combat corruption, Kenya's government must take urgent steps. This includes promoting transparency in the appointment of public officials, strengthening anti-corruption institutions, and ensuring the impartial handling of corruption cases. It is crucial to prioritize merit-based appointments, foster a culture of accountability, and provide protection to whistleblowers. Rebuilding trust requires a steadfast commitment to the rule of law and a comprehensive approach to combating corruption at all levels.

The prevalence of cronyism, nepotism, and the questionable dismissal of corruption cases in Kenya's new administration have dealt a severe blow to the fight against corruption. It is imperative for the government to prioritize transparency, accountability, and the rule of law to restore public confidence in governance. By upholding merit-based appointments and ensuring the impartial handling of corruption cases, Kenya can reclaim its commitment to fighting corruption and work towards a more transparent and accountable society.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Denial of Growth and Human Rights: The Kenyan Government's Taxation Policies

In recent times, the Kenyan government has been implementing taxation policies that have raised concerns about the denial of growth, hindrance of human rights, and potential economic sabotage. This article delves into the adverse effects of increased taxing, such as housing and fuel taxes, on the people of Kenya. It highlights the impact on economic growth, the infringement on human rights, and the need for a more balanced and inclusive approach to taxation.

  1. Stifling Economic Growth: The introduction of new tax regimes, such as housing and fuel taxes, has put an undue burden on the Kenyan people and stifled economic growth. Higher taxes reduce disposable income, leading to reduced consumer spending and business investment. This, in turn, affects employment opportunities, hampers entrepreneurship, and discourages foreign investment. The government's short-sighted approach to revenue generation undermines the potential for economic growth and development.
  2. Infringement on Human Rights: Taxation policies that disproportionately burden the poor and vulnerable segments of society infringe upon their human rights. The increased cost of living resulting from higher taxes on essential commodities like fuel affects access to basic necessities, including food, healthcare, and education. Such policies deepen the existing inequalities in society, denying individuals their right to a decent standard of living and perpetuating the cycle of poverty.
  3. Economic Sabotage: The government's excessive taxation measures can be perceived as economic sabotage, as they hinder the progress and competitiveness of local businesses. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are vital contributors to the economy, face significant challenges in remaining sustainable. The high tax burden, combined with an unfavorable business environment, discourages entrepreneurship and innovation. This ultimately stifles job creation and slows down the overall economic development of the country.
  4. Lack of Transparency and Accountability: One of the major concerns surrounding these taxation policies is the lack of transparency and accountability in their implementation. The Kenyan people have the right to know how their tax contributions are being utilized and to hold the government accountable for its actions. The absence of clear communication and proper channels for public participation in decision-making processes further erodes trust and undermines the democratic principles that should govern taxation policies.
  5. The Need for a Balanced Approach: To ensure sustainable economic growth and protect human rights, the Kenyan government must adopt a more balanced approach to taxation. This includes conducting thorough impact assessments to understand the potential consequences on different sectors of society and considering progressive tax measures that place a greater burden on those with higher incomes. A fair and equitable tax system will foster inclusivity, stimulate economic activity, and contribute to the overall well-being of the population.

Conclusion: The Kenyan government's taxation policies, including the introduction of new taxes like housing and fuel taxes, have negatively impacted economic growth, infringed upon human rights, and potentially sabotaged the country's progress. It is essential for the government to recognize the long-term consequences of these policies and shift towards a more balanced and inclusive approach. Transparency, accountability, and public participation should be at the core of tax reforms, ensuring that the burden is shared fairly and that the rights and aspirations of the Kenyan people are upheld.

In recent times, the Kenyan government has been implementing taxation policies that have raised concerns about the denial of growth, hindrance of human rights, and potential economic sabotage. This article delves into the adverse effects of increased taxing, such as housing and fuel taxes, on the people of Kenya. It highlights the impact on economic growth, the infringement on human rights, and the need for a more balanced and inclusive approach to taxation.

  1. Stifling Economic Growth: The introduction of new tax regimes, such as housing and fuel taxes, has put an undue burden on the Kenyan people and stifled economic growth. Higher taxes reduce disposable income, leading to reduced consumer spending and business investment. This, in turn, affects employment opportunities, hampers entrepreneurship, and discourages foreign investment. The government's short-sighted approach to revenue generation undermines the potential for economic growth and development.
  2. Infringement on Human Rights: Taxation policies that disproportionately burden the poor and vulnerable segments of society infringe upon their human rights. The increased cost of living resulting from higher taxes on essential commodities like fuel affects access to basic necessities, including food, healthcare, and education. Such policies deepen the existing inequalities in society, denying individuals their right to a decent standard of living and perpetuating the cycle of poverty.
  3. Economic Sabotage: The government's excessive taxation measures can be perceived as economic sabotage, as they hinder the progress and competitiveness of local businesses. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are vital contributors to the economy, face significant challenges in remaining sustainable. The high tax burden, combined with an unfavorable business environment, discourages entrepreneurship and innovation. This ultimately stifles job creation and slows down the overall economic development of the country.
  4. Lack of Transparency and Accountability: One of the major concerns surrounding these taxation policies is the lack of transparency and accountability in their implementation. The Kenyan people have the right to know how their tax contributions are being utilized and to hold the government accountable for its actions. The absence of clear communication and proper channels for public participation in decision-making processes further erodes trust and undermines the democratic principles that should govern taxation policies.
  5. The Need for a Balanced Approach: To ensure sustainable economic growth and protect human rights, the Kenyan government must adopt a more balanced approach to taxation. This includes conducting thorough impact assessments to understand the potential consequences on different sectors of society and considering progressive tax measures that place a greater burden on those with higher incomes. A fair and equitable tax system will foster inclusivity, stimulate economic activity, and contribute to the overall well-being of the population.

The Kenyan government's taxation policies, including the introduction of new taxes like housing and fuel taxes, have negatively impacted economic growth, infringed upon human rights, and potentially sabotaged the country's progress. It is essential for the government to recognize the long-term consequences of these policies and shift towards a more balanced and inclusive approach. Transparency, accountability, and public participation should be at the core of tax reforms, ensuring that the burden is shared fairly and that the rights and aspirations of the Kenyan people are upheld.

The Impact of Last Year's Elections on Kenya's Economy and the Potential for Rebound

 The recent elections in Kenya had a profound impact on the country's economy, resulting in contraction and significant challenges for the new administration led by President Ruto. This article explores how the elections contributed to the economic downturn, the failures of the current administration to address the contraction, and the potential for the Kenyan economy to rebound.

  1. Election-induced Economic Contraction: The uncertainty and political instability surrounding last year's elections created a negative business environment. Investors hesitated, and consumer confidence dropped, leading to a contraction in various sectors of the economy. Local dairies, for instance, faced reduced demand and lower production due to decreased consumer spending.
  2. Failures of the Ruto Administration: Despite high expectations, the Ruto administration has struggled to implement effective economic policies to counter the contraction. Mismanagement, corruption, and lack of clear direction have hindered progress. The government's response to revitalizing local dairies and other affected sectors has been inadequate, exacerbating the economic challenges faced by ordinary citizens.
  3. Insights from Local Diaries: Local dairies have experienced a significant decline in production and revenue, with many struggling to stay afloat. Farmers have been forced to reduce their herds, resulting in income losses and increased unemployment. The failure to address these issues has highlighted the administration's inability to prioritize and revive vital sectors of the economy.
  4. Government and International Reports: Reports from the Kenyan government, as well as international organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, confirm the economic contraction and its detrimental effects. The government's own assessments acknowledge the challenges but fall short of providing effective solutions. The IMF and World Bank report

    stress the urgency of implementing comprehensive reforms and inclusive policies to stimulate economic growth.
  5. The Likelihood of Economic Rebound: Despite the current economic challenges, there is still hope for a rebound in the Kenyan economy. The resilience of the Kenyan people, coupled with the country's diverse economic sectors and entrepreneurial spirit, provide a solid foundation for recovery. However, it will require strong leadership, effective governance, and a commitment to tackling corruption and implementing sustainable policies.
The aftermath of last year's elections in Kenya has undoubtedly led to an economic contraction, affecting sectors such as local dairies. The Ruto administration's failures to address the contraction have further intensified the challenges faced by the economy. However, with the right reforms, inclusive policies, and a commitment to good governance, there is a possibility for the Kenyan economy to rebound and regain stability. It is crucial for the government to prioritize the needs of the people and work towards fostering an environment conducive to sustainable economic growth and development.

Will Kenyan Economy Rebound After Contraction

 President William Ruto's main goal to rejuvenate Kenya's economy is confronted with worldwide headwinds and strong political resistance.

For a man who climbed to the

office on the guarantee to lead a circle back in the fortunes of those at the lower part of the pyramid, Ruto faces a difficult undertaking to satisfy his statement. Does he have the financial might to match his political wit?