Thursday, May 25, 2023



In public policy, there is a concept called broken-window theory. In a street for instance, if there are street lights broken by hooligans and not repaired within a certain duration, it sends signals to the other rational citizens that rule enforcement is weak. This is the true picture of our Kenyan society today. We have laws, but they are simply ignored. Every day of the week, we watch as PSVs and even respected school buses overlap other cars, some mount pavements to get a few meters ahead in the traffic, and some speed recklessly when the road opens up. All these happen, sometimes in the full view of our traffic police officers. But that’s not my issue; my concern is on we, the people being transported.  We are knowledgeable Kenyans; we know what is right and what an offence is. But we are quiet when traffic rules are being flouted. We believe we have to break rules to get to our destinations much faster. That there is no reward in being patient with one another. In fact, as passengers, we take sides with the PSV driver whenever they are pushing other cars to the edge. We praise such drivers, for they make our journey shorter, by disobeying traffic rules. Respect for traffic rules seems to have disappeared long time ago. Overlapping used to be a minor occurrence; it is now a major problem, simply because no one has put an end to it. So most PSVs keep overlapping, and even more other motorists join them. Others get into the lane meant for oncoming traffic, and no one, none of the passengers dare rebuke these rogue drivers. The results are so clear to us; unnecessary traffic gridlocks, a lot of time and money lost in traffic and worse still, accidents are reported causing loss of lives and property. Reason being that rules are simply ignored!

If you thought only traffic rules are flouted, you are wrong. Our politicians and civil servants are breaking procurement rules and procedures. Government policies are no longer considered when making decisions. That’s why there is rampant corruption. All they are telling us is that you cannot live a comfortable life with the money you legitimately earn as salary. That the clever thing you can do is get a big tender where you can squander some cash. Single-source a supplier, get a deal crafted and share the money. That once you are in charge of a ministry, you can always divert some money meant to build a road to benefit many Kenyans, to your personal pocket. And if rules make it impossible to steal from Kenyans, these politicians can do anything to even change them. Those who abide by the rules are threatened, and they somehow bow to the pressure. Again the results are here with us Kenyans; poor infrastructure, poor living standards and lack of economic development.  But why is it so hard for our leaders to follow rules? Why is legality and morality forgotten terms in Kenya?

Hang on, it is not just politicians and drivers who disobey laws, come to our schools and the education sector as a whole. Every time we receive results from KNEC, a list is shared of students whose exam results have been cancelled. Students, all the way from primary schools, have been taught that being number two is a crime. That one must be the first, even if it means cheating during the examination. Our teachers are no longer interested in ensuring students understand the subjects, all they want is for the students to pass the exams. So what do they do? They simply collude with those who have access to the examination papers. Money is exchanged, and students pass with flying colors. That is a culture the students are already cultivating. That to get to your destiny, use shortcuts. Break rules, as long as you make it. Cheat and steal if possible, you won’t be caught anyway! And if you are caught, blame it on the process. And where are the parents when all this is happening? Quietly watching and praying that their sons and daughters get straight A’s. In other words, our education system is simply reinforcing the idea that you simply have to do whatever it takes to get ahead in today’s Kenya.

These are just but three cases where our morals and rules are arrogantly disobeyed. My biggest worry is the example we are setting to the future generations. What exactly are we telling our children? That one must cheat and break the rules in order to get ahead in life?  That there is nothing to be gained by waiting for your turn on the road? That only fools follow the path of lawfulness and orderliness? That our morals are no more? We are treading on a dangerous ground as a nation if we do not abide by the laws we have set. Mention all the challenges we are facing currently as a nation, be it corruption, insecurity, accidents, and I will show you how the collapse of our laws and morality has caused the same. Honest and hard-working citizens of this nation are pushed aside, not heard at all, for they decide to follow rules. Even those who have set the rules regard them as inconvenient and irrelevant.

Our leaders, beginning with our President need to ensure laws and rules are adhered to the latter. But they can only enforce the laws if they too abide by the rules themselves. Secondly, those who break the laws must be dealt with mercilessly, so that potential law-breakers are deterred. Let us not negotiate with people who break laws. Law-breakers should not be told to “step-aside”. They should be sacked. Our leaders must get support from all quarters of the Kenyan citizenry. As writers, parents, teachers, clerics, celebrities, elders, poets, artists of Kenya, we ought to stand up for the laws. We need to be vocal and stop the few law-breakers from thriving. We need to be custodians of our own laws. Every law that is broken impacts on others, negatively. We can’t afford to sit back and watch our nation turn into a jungle. We must abide by the laws if we intend to realize any meaningful development as a nation.

State Capture Explained 


 Dear Kenyans,

The Judiciary under the leadership of Chief Justice Martha Koome has today appalled us and made a mockery of its constitutional role by presiding over the 7.00am swearing in of 50 illegal Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS) despite an active case. The case, challenging the appointments of CAS, was due for a
mention today at 9.00am.

The Judiciary has had numerous opportunities to stop these illegal appointments but failed to act. Instead, the Judiciary by this stroke, is responsible for aiding and abetting impunity. This action undermines the rule of law, and increases the public wage bill, even as Kenyans reel under an economic crisis.

When Eliud Matindi and others challenged the CAS appointments, the courts denied them conservatory orders to protect the Constitution. Instead, the court fixed the case for mention (not hearing) today at 9:00am. Yet by sunrise, the same Judiciary had sent a top official to swear in the 50 illegal CAS at StateHouse. These actions by the Judiciary are akin to a wild goose chase!

Kenyans know that conservatory orders preserve and protect the Constitution while a case is pending. By refusing to issue conservatory orders and giving dates so far into the future, the Kenyan Judiciary is facilitating Executive impunity. Amidst signs of an imperial presidency, the Kenyan Judiciary has abandoned its
job of protecting Kenyans from impunity and violation of the Constitution of Kenya. We stand against the rising judicial Utado! and demand that the Judiciary stops serving Kenyans hot air!

LiberalMindsKE: The Sheer ineptitude of the Kenyan Government, whe...

LiberalMindsKE: The Sheer ineptitude of the Kenyan Government, whe...:

The Sheer ineptitude of the Kenyan Government, when it matters most, the case of the gross human rights violation and impunity

The Kenyan government, under the leadership of President William Ruto, has faced severe criticism for its failure to protect human lives and property in the face of the Shakahola massacre and the banditry menace in regions such as Laikipia and North Eastern Kenya. These incidents have revealed a gross disregard for human rights, impunity, and a lack of effective governance. This article will examines the government's ineptitude in fulfilling its mandate and highlights the need for immediate action to address these pressing issues. Drawing upon reports from various media sources, we shed light on the failures of the present regime and the consequences it has on the lives of Kenyans.

The Shakahola Massacre: A Tragic Display of Ineptitude:

The Shakahola massacre, led by self-proclaimed pastor Paul Nthenge Mackenzie, has resulted in a shocking death toll of 226 individuals. Autopsies on the victims have unveiled a horrifying picture of starvation, physical violence, and potential organ trafficking. The Kenyan government's failure to regulate religious organizations and ensure the safety of its citizens has been brought to the forefront by this devastating incident. The lack of oversight and accountability has allowed cult leaders like Mackenzie to manipulate and exploit vulnerable individuals, leading to tragic consequences.

Banditry Menace in Laikipia, Baringo, and North Eastern Kenya: In addition to the Shakahola massacre, Kenya is grappling with a banditry menace that has plagued regions such as Laikipia, Baringo, and North Eastern Kenya. Armed groups and militias have engaged in violent acts, including attacks on communities, destruction of property, and displacement of innocent civilians. The government's inability to curb these acts of lawlessness and protect the affected populations is indicative of its failure to maintain peace and security. The resulting fear, loss of livelihoods, and displacement have left communities in a state of vulnerability and despair.

Media Reports and Public Outcry: Media reports from various sources in Kenya have shed light on the government's failure to address these issues effectively. Journalists have documented the atrocities committed during the Shakahola massacre and the increasing banditry attacks, bringing them to the attention of the public. The media's role in exposing these failures has prompted widespread outcry and demands for immediate action. It is through their reporting that the government's inaction and negligence have come to the forefront, fueling public frustration and a call for accountability.

Government Response: Lack of Effective Measures: Despite the gravity of these incidents and the public outcry, the Kenyan government's response has been lackluster and insufficient. The establishment of a task force to review the legal and regulatory framework governing religious organizations, as a result of the Shakahola massacre, is a belated acknowledgment of the need for stricter oversight. However, concrete actions and tangible reforms to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens are yet to materialize. The government's failure to address the banditry menace in a comprehensive and decisive manner further underscores its ineptitude.

Consequences and Urgent Need for Action: The consequences of the Kenyan government's failure to protect human lives and property are dire. Lives have been lost, communities have been displaced, and individuals have been subjected to violence and exploitation. The present regime's inability to address these challenges erodes public trust and undermines the fundamental principles of governance and accountability. Urgent action is needed to restore faith in the government's ability to protect its citizens and uphold the rule of law.

The Shakahola massacre and the banditry menace in various regions of Kenya highlight the glaring failures of the present regime under President William Ruto. The government's inability to protect human lives

 A new survey has revealed President William Ruto’s government’s achievements and failures in his first six months in office, according to Kenyans.The research conducted by Trends and Insights for Africa (TIFA) research firm shows that Kenyans are most concerned about the high cost of living.Thirty-seven per cent of the respondents cited increased economic hardship as the main area President Ruto has failed so far.

Some 14 per cent of Kenyans sampled took issue with the failure to keep campaign promises, while nine per cent cited an increased corruption rate as well as the dropping of major corruption cases.“There is widespread agreement that continuing if not increasing economic hardship is at the top of most Kenyans’ minds, though it seems that much of the content of “campaign promises” that are considered yet to be fulfilled is also of an economic nature,” TIFA’s research analyst Tom Wolff said.

Asked about their opinion on the top achievements of President Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza administration, 29 per cent of the respondents said cited the launch of the Hustler Fund, while five per cent were happy about stabilizing the cost of fertilizer.Four per cent meanwhile cited enhancement of national unity and cohesion.

“Among all Kenyans, the launch of the Hustler Fund receives far more mentions 29 as an early success of the Ruto government than any other policy initiative or legislative enactment, which applies equally to Kenya Kwanza and Azimio supporters,” Wolff said. In terms of their priorities over the remainder of President Ruto’s current term, the overwhelming one among Kenyans across the political divide is for a reduction in the cost of living at 71 per cent.

Job creation (49%) and addressing issues in the educational system (22%) were the other top mentions.TIFA said it conducted the research between March 11 and 19, with just over 2,065 randomly-selected respondents.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Frustration of Kenya's Former President: Politicized Attacks and Damaged Legacies

 In the dynamic world of politics, alliances and loyalties can shift swiftly, leaving leaders vulnerable to the whims of changing regimes. Such is the case for Kenya's former president, Uhuru Kenyatta, who finds himself facing mounting frustration and hostility from the current government. This post will delve into the unsettling events surrounding Uhuru Kenyatta's active involvement with opposition politics in Kenya, particularly his association with Raila Odinga. By examining reports from Kenyan newspapers, we will shed light on how the current regime has allegedly employed goons to attack the former president's farms, steal property, and damage the private assets of his family.

A Shattered Legacy: The Jubilee Party, once a formidable force in Kenyan politics under the leadership of former president Uhuru Kenyatta, has suffered a precipitous decline in recent years. The party's electoral performance in the 2022 elections was dismal, winning less than 30 seats in the National Assembly compared to the 172 seats secured in 2017. This decline was further compounded by a significant number of party members defecting to President William Ruto's Kenya Kwanza coalition, consolidating the incumbent government's dominance in parliament.

A Show of Solidarity: Despite largely refraining from politics since relinquishing power in September 2022, Uhuru Kenyatta made a rare public appearance last month at the Jubilee Party office in Nairobi. The motive behind his visit was to display solidarity with party officials following a disruptive incident involving a group of MPs and unruly youths attempting to forcefully seize control. This gesture was widely interpreted as an assertion of Kenyatta's authority and his determination to maintain a stake in the party's affairs.

The Power Play Unveiled: In an intriguing turn of events, President Kenyatta subsequently convened a meeting of the party's delegates on May 22 in Nairobi. This gathering is expected to yield a resolution aimed at purging the Jubilee Party of rebels, signaling his intent to restore control and discipline within the party. However, it is within this political drama that the frustrations facing the former president become increasingly evident.

Politically Motivated Attacks: Reports in Kenyan newspapers have highlighted alleged incidents of orchestrated attacks targeting Uhuru Kenyatta's farms and properties, implicating the current government in these acts of aggression. Goons, purportedly acting under the government's direction, have been accused of trespassing on the former president's land, stealing valuable assets, and vandalizing private property owned by his family. These actions, if proven true, reflect a troubling trend of political harassment and intimidation.

The Damaged Legacy: The sustained campaign against Uhuru Kenyatta, coupled with the politicized attacks on his personal assets, poses a significant threat to his legacy. As a respected figure both nationally and internationally, the former president's reputation stands at risk of being tarnished by the government's apparent attempt to undermine his influence and engagement in opposition politics.The frustrations faced by former President Uhuru Kenyatta at the hands of the current regime in Kenya cannot be overlooked. From the dramatic decline of the once-mighty Jubilee Party to the alleged attacks on his farms and private property, the challenges he encounters are a testament to the volatile nature of political alliances. While the truth behind these incidents is yet to be fully substantiated, the damage to Kenyatta's reputation and legacy is already being felt. As Kenya continues its political journey, it is essential to reflect on the implications of such actions on the nation's democratic ideals and the long-term stability of its political landscape.