Showing posts with label Former president Moi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Former president Moi. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2011


I am writing this irate note to urge you all citizen of good will shun this rational pessimist as he try to purse his egotistic agenda. 
The former president discordant and bigoted attitude towards the proposed constitution leave us with cheer utter and disbelief .The senior citizen however is blindly and obstinately attached to some creed or opinion intolerant towards others. The retired president is traversing the nation campaigning against the draft constitution and we all know the ostensible truth behind his invigorated efforts. It’s therefore apparent that the former KANU’Slinchpin is trying to protect his vested interest on issues that he feels might be subdued to public scrutiny if the draft constitution passes. He is thus trying to pursue his personal interest at the expense of the nation. 
The former oriental despot has seemingly voluptuous appetite and zeal towards scheming and orchestrating propaganda. 
Our civilization is shifting from science and technology to rhetoric and litigation. His recent thin sliced rhetorical attack towards the sitting president shows how he is determined to deny the country the new rule. It also reflects how desperate he is to block the draft from the shelves of jury. I am also tempted to reason if this man had anything to do with the controversial ruling onKADHI’S court or the altering of the draft. 
The current president is determined to bring reforms in the country; we have all seen what have happened to our fellow countrymen in previous years during the struggle for second liberation. This is the second time that the sitting president is trying to have a new constitution enacted in Kenya. The thought of blaming him for failing to adopt the new rule within the first 100 days in office is not only obnoxious but also ambiguous bearing in mind his health status when he took the office. 
A blatant attempt by MOIto urge Kenyans to vote against the draft is completely lacking subtle beyond no reasonable doubt. As Kenyans we ought to know to follow the proposed course of action as purported by MOI and his entourage is to invite retributive justice in its execution or outcome. We need a new constitutional dispensation in this country