Saturday, January 8, 2011


You will all agree with me when I say southern Sudan quest to secede is more appealing than compelling. By this I mean the birth of another nation will be seen as the ultimate way to stop war and clear cut way forward to end northern Sudan prejudiced superiority in southern Sudan.
President Omar El-Bashir latest comment that Sudan will celebrate the outcome of referendum result if southerner chooses to secede is not a mere equivocal rhetoric but an indication of peace. The same man late last year had precluded the idea of southerner’s secession. During his recent visit to juba, he vowed to consecrate with southerners in their quest for sovereignty.
The southerner must however thank the international community for cornering this marauding beast leaving him with no option to oppose the much awaited referendum. In my opinion the international criminal court (ICC) warrant of arrest to the incumbent president have paved way for southerners route to independence. El-bashir have relinquished his hard-line opinion on secession due to mounting pressure from international community, icc warrant of arrest and continued sanctions that continue to rip his country economic progress. Sudan is also branded by the American as the ‘axis of evil’.
The forthcoming plebiscite process is like an epitome of a well redacted war song. My opinion is southerners are in the blink of delivering African youngest 55th state and any attempts thwarted to contend with their opinion will be met with transgression and subversion. These means even if by any awkward reason they losses the referendum, they will soldier on to splitting Sudan. Southern Sudan has also won the sympathy of her neighbors and international community whom are eyeing her vast resources with greed and zeal. Unlike yester years southerners have a well equipped army and her neighbors are more than willing to assist incase northern Sudan and her allies (Arab League of Nation) detonates, thus we are know a ghastly war is looming.

Go south Sudan go, God bless Africa and may peace transverse as you watch your nation evolve to an independent sovereign state. May Garang’s spirit hover around you.

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