Tuesday, January 11, 2011


His “majesty ‘ king Robert Gabriel “Bob “ Mugabe of southern Rhodesia “Monarch “commonly known as Zimbabwe should consider his blatant and reckless utterances before the world retaliate on him and bring him down and his kingdom tumbling. King Robert was among the enigmatic continental statesman who has been cherished for liberating southern Rhodesia from colonial rule. The Jesuit educated intellectual had lead a protracted guerrilla war against Britons in Zimbabwe.
Today the blatant self styled king has become an international pariah and his monarch is still enjoying patronage privileges of an oriental despot. The founding father of southern Rhodesia has turned against the will of his people and is trying all means to remain at helm of power till he dies.
Today Zimbabwe has become Mugabe’s absolute monarch and Zimbabweans have been held at ransom. Ten years ago New Africa magazine based in London voted Mugabe as most popular African leader ,today the queen of Britain is shamelessly stripping the tyrant all the honors on him as Zimbabwe  remain suspended from commonwealth group of countries .
 Mugabe draconian rule doesn’t value human or democratic rights of the people it ought to represent. Recently on campaign trail he said he wont let an even like election rob Zimbabweans their sovereignty. Though the monster seem to be determined to stay in office ,Morgan Tsvangirai  leader of opposition Movement For Democratic change [MDC] is posing a real threat to the aging King. Tsvangirai has overwhelmly portrayed extraordinary leadership values, determination and courage to safe Zimbabwe from jaws of total anarchy. The star of charismatic buoyant leader of MDC have kept on rising with each single day Mugabe is remaining in office .Tsvangirai whom is being purported as western puppet by Mugabe has also undergone through tribulations, torture and humiliation on the hands of Mugabe and his tyrannical regime. His followers have not been spared either ,MDC claims the army and ZANU –PF militias have tortured and killed more than 70 people whom had pledged allegiance with MDC.MDC secretary general Mr. Tendai Mbiti have also been arrested and charged with treason and subversion .
Mugabe is leading an isolated government in the world we are living today where there are no room for dictators .Voices of many nation have been heard condemning Mugabe and his cronies .Tsvangirai have pulled out of the runoff citing the process has already been frauded. ZANU-PF has totally edged TSvangirai out of context by controlling his campaign and detaining him thus leading him to campaign under virtual secrecy .Nobody expect democracy to prevail under such skewed playground. The process can’t be free and fair thus Tsvangirai decision to pull out was applauded by international community. The process seemed more in war than democracy. The violence and intimidation against MDC and its supporters precludes possibility of holding a credible run –off. Mugabe and his stalwarts could not guarantee free polls because they fear humiliatingly defeat.
To me Mugabe hardliners want if worst comes to worst a negotiated settlement which could establish Tsvangirai lead transitional government with substantial participation of ZANU-PF stalwarts so as to mitigate impunity against themselves.
Tsvangirai needs AU, UN, and SADC backing in order to participate in run off, a condition which seems not withcoming. He will also need international and independent nations observers  to remain in ground until the election is announced .Modalities to facilitate his taking over if he wins should be provided by UN to avert a situation where Mugabe and his cronies in the army against staging a coup or martial law against Tsvangirai victory. The previous elections in Zimbabwe has been marked with great manipulation and suppression of dissents
As many Africa leaders condemn Mugabe administration, it will be noted that South Africa President Thabo Mbeki has failed to criticize his ally. Thabo Mbeki cannot be trusted to deliver a verdict on Zimbabwe situation. South Africa quite diplomacy is aggravating the situation in Zimbabwe ,the situation now is degenerating to a rapidly unfolding humanitarian crisis that require  rapid response .Mbeki is shielding Mugabe and his reluctance to condemn him has deeply undermined his credibility particularly in the eyes of opposition MDC .We are totally casting doubts opun his effectiveness in solving current situation
The world is outrageous against Robert Mugabe ,its about time Mugabe step down  voluntary or we witness another IRAQ situation. Zimbambweans today have been white washed by his leadership policies and almost left naked as winds of dictatorship howls around them. Mugabe stand to be accused of all his atrocities against humanity, he has ripped the economy of once Africa vibrant nation while as hiding on values of statesmanship, patriotism and sovereignty.
As thing get hot on heels of king  Robert his stalwarts are chiseling away the doctrine of impunity which will deny Zimbabweans chances of putting Mugabe and his cronies  on trial for democracy sabotage, defrauding human rights, corruption and incompetence .
Sooner or later the beast will be long dead, its Ghost will however haunt Zimbabwe forever .Go Morgan go ,tear the beast by his heart . Long life Zimbabwe and May God bless Africa.

John muthoga  wambugu